Fee Policy

Payment of fee policy:

  1. The weekly fee charged is for the days booked and includes statutory holidays, sick days, and other absences.
  2. Invoices are emailed at 4pm Tuesday for the current week and are payable within 7 days via Bank Transfer or Direct Debit into The Farmyard account
  3. Fees are expected to be paid on a weekly basis.
  4. Children are entitled to 4 weeks holiday at 50% of their usual weekly fee per annum. For families receiving government subsidy, the 50% discount is taken off the parent portion of the fee. Written notice two weeks’ prior to taking leave is required.

Late payment of fee policy:

  1. A $15 late fee will apply if families do not keep their account current and no arrangement is in place with the centre.
  2. After receiving more than one $15 late fee charge a payment plan will be negotiated between yourself and The Farmyard for payment of any overdue balance.
  3. The payment plan can be modified by The Farmyard to ensure it is agreeable to the Centre’s needs.
  4. The payment plan must outline a new payment structure that includes the outstanding balance and ongoing fees. The amount due weekly must be equal to the current fees and a portion of the outstanding balance. Families will be given up to 12 weeks to pay the overdue balance amount.
  5. Failure to maintain the payment plan will result in an additional $15 late fee and will require full payment of the complete balance within 14 days of the childcare services for the family may be withdrawn.
  6. If the full balance is paid and the family remains enrolled, parent/s will need to maintain weekly payments from that time and moving forward for the timeframe they remain at the Centre or care for that family may be terminated 14 days from the first non-payment.
  7. All outstanding balances at that time will be referred to a Debt Collection agency for future management. All costs of debt collection (legal, filing and court fees and all debt commissions) incurred will be payable by you. In terms of the Privacy Act 2020, you irrevocably authorise The Farmyard to seek and exchange information with any person, company or agency regarding your credit rating and debt recovery process.
  8. The above is at the discretion of the Business Manager and there will be no exceptions to this policy unless there is prior written consent from the Business Manager or Business Support.


The Farmyard offers a rural discovery-based sustainable early learning environment, which is inspired by Waldorf/Steiner education.
Our educational goals aim to provide a well-balanced programme of learning and development through participatory hands-on experiences which encourage resilience, and guide investigation to motivate a love of lifelong learning.